Pigmentation removal

Laser Pigmentation Removal is a safe and effective treatment for reducing the appearance of freckles, pigmentation, sun spots, and age spots. The laser selectively targets the pigmented lesions in the skin, absorbing the light without damaging the surrounding tissue. The laser’s heat shatters the pigment, which is then drawn to the surface without harming the surrounding tissue. Once drawn to the surface, the pigmented lesions will fade or dry and flake off the treated area, resulting in an even skin tone and complexion. 

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It is crucial to avoid sunbathing and tanning beds throughout the entire course of laser treatments. A minimum of four weeks must have passed since your last sunbathing or tanning bed session. This rule also applies to any tanning creams, medications, or injections. Prior to your first session, we will schedule free consultation during which a patch test will be conducted. Please arrive at your consultation without makeup or fragrance  

You will expect to see an improvement after your first treatment. The pigmented area will gradually reduce and after completing treatment course, you will expect to see at least a 70-80% reduction for the treated pigmentation. 

Depending on the type and depth of the pigmentation, we recommend 3-6 treatments done at monthly intervals for optimal results. At your consultation, your Skin Therapist will tailor a treatment plan suitable for your skin goals 

The procedure should not cause any discomfort. You may experience a mild sensation of warmth during the treatment, but it should be well-tolerated.