Modern Laser Technology

Fast Results

Skilled practitioner with over 7 years expertise in skincare and advanced laser technology

Less Pain, Faster Results, Modern Laser Technology

Skilled practitioner with over 7 years expertise in skincare and advanced laser technology

Remove your tattoo faster with the R20 method—4 sessions in 1.

We use new laser technology with continuous ice packs and custom breaks, ensuring you stay comfortable.

Book your tattoo removal session today at Warrington’s top-rated clinic.

Why Choose Our Laser Tattoo Removal?

  • Less Pain Sessions include custom breaks and ice packs, reducing discomfort during the procedure.
  • 4 Sessions in 1 with R20 R20 method condenses four sessions into one, making tattoo removal faster and more efficient.
  • No Scarring Our laser technology minimizes the risk of scarring, ensuring your skin looks its best after each treatment.
  • Faster Results Instead of waiting years for complete removal, the R20 method speeds up the process, with visible results in just months.
  • Affordable Treatments Starting from £30 for classic treatments and £100 for the R20 method.
Hero test 3

See Results from Our Laser Tattoo Removal

Tattoo Removal Result

After 1 session

Diana is absolutely amazing! I'm currently having 3 tattoos removed and I couldn't be happier with the service and treatment that Diane provides.

Carrolly Torres
Tattoo Removal Result

After 1 session with R20

Diana is absolutely amazing! I'm currently having 3 tattoos removed and I couldn't be happier with the service and treatment that Diane provides.

Carrolly Torres
Tattoo Removal Result

After 3 sessions

Diana is absolutely amazing! I'm currently having 3 tattoos removed and I couldn't be happier with the service and treatment that Diane provides.

Carrolly Torres
Tattoo Removal Result

After 3 session

Diana is absolutely amazing! I'm currently having 3 tattoos removed and I couldn't be happier with the service and treatment that Diane provides.

Carrolly Torres
Your Tattoo Removal Questions Answered

It is crucial to avoid sunbathing and tanning beds throughout the entire course of laser treatments. A minimum of four weeks must have passed since your last sunbathing or tanning bed session. This rule also applies to any tanning creams, medications, or injections. Prior to your first session, we will schedule free consultation during which a patch test will be conducted. Please arrive at your consultation without makeup or fragrance.   

Laser tattoo removal can cause discomfort, but it is generally considered less painful than the initial tattooing process. The pain associated with tattoo removal is often compared to the sensation of a sunburn, with the laser pulses feeling like the snap of a rubber band against the skin. While it may be unpleasant, most individuals find the discomfort manageable. 

After your laser tattoo removal procedure, you might expect some redness, swelling, mild blistering, itching, and raised areas. This is to be expected. At first, the skin will be very sensitive and tender. These reactions to treatment should fade within two weeks 

The short answer is yes, but it depends on a few things including tattoo size, tattoo ink colour and where the tattoo is. However, it’s important to remember that a multitude of different factors go into successful tattoo removals, and not all tattoos can be completely removed. 

 Laser tattoo removal usually does not cause scarring. However, individuals with darker skin tones may experience some loss of pigmentation, which tends to become less noticeable over time. Occasionally, the outline of the original tattoo may remain visible. Additionally, the presence of scars from the original tattoo procedure may vary depending on the technique used. These scars may not be noticeable due to the colour of the ink. 

Most tattoos will require between five and ten sessions. Bigger tattoos will take up to the ten sessions, while the smaller ones may be closer to five sessions. It is safe to assume your tattoo will need somewhere in there too. This is a broad answer because laser removal of tattoos will depend on many factors. 

Ready to Get Started? Book Your Session Today!

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